
The following properties can be used to configure Node-RED.

When running as a normal application, it loads its configuration from a settings file. For more information about the settings file and where it is, read this guide.

When running as an embedded application, the configuration options are passed in the call to RED.init(). However, when run in this mode, certain properties are ignored and are left to the embedding application to implement.

Runtime Configuration

the file used to store the flows. Default: flows_<hostname>.json
the directory to store all user data, such as flow and credential files and all library data. Default: $HOME/.node-red
a directory to search for additional installed nodes. Node-RED searches the nodes directory under the userDir directory. This property allows an additional directory to be searched, so that nodes can be installed outside of the Node-RED install structure. Default: $HOME/.node-red/nodes
the interface to listen for connections on. Default: - all IPv4 interfaces.

Standalone only.

the port used to serve the editor UI. Default: 1880.

Standalone only.

the root url for the editor UI. If set to false, all admin endpoints are disabled. This includes both API endpoints and the editor UI. To disable just the editor UI, see the disableEditor property below. Default: /
Deprecated: see adminAuth.

enables HTTP Basic Authentication on the editor UI:

httpAdminAuth: {user:"nol", pass:"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99"}

The pass property is the md5 hash of the actual password. The following command can be used to generate the hash:

node -e "console.log(require('crypto').createHash('md5').update('YOUR PASSWORD HERE','utf8').digest('hex'))"

Standalone only.

an HTTP middleware function, or array of functions, that is added to all admin routes. The format of the middleware function is documented here.
httpAdminMiddleware: function(req,res,next) {
    // Perform any processing on the request.
    // Be sure to call next() if the request should be passed on
the root url for nodes that provide HTTP endpoints. If set to false, all node-based HTTP endpoints are disabled. Default: /
enables HTTP Basic Authentication. See httpAdminAuth for format.
this sets the root url for both admin and node endpoints. It overrides the values set by httpAdminRoot and httpNodeRoot.
enables https, with the specified options object, as defined here.

Standalone only.

if set to true, prevents the editor UI from being served by the runtime. The admin api endpoints remain active. Default: false.
a local directory from which to serve static web content from. This content is served from the top level url, /. When this property is used, httpAdminRoot must also be used to make editor UI available at a path other than /.

This property can also be set as an Array to support multiple static directories, each with its own set of options. The options include the path to the local directory to serve content from, the root url to serve them from and an optional custom middleware function.

For example:

httpStatic: [
      path: '/opt/static/',
      root: '/private/',
      middleware: myCustomHttpMiddleware

Standalone only.

enabled HTTP Basic Authentication on the static content. See httpAdminAuth for format.
enables cross-origin resource sharing for the nodes that provide HTTP endpoints, as defined here
an HTTP middleware function, or array of functions, that is added to all HTTP In nodes. This allows whatever custom processing, such as authentication, is needed for the nodes. The format of the middleware function is documented here.
httpNodeMiddleware: function(req,res,next) {
    // Perform any processing on the request.
    // Be sure to call next() if the request should be passed
    // to the relevant HTTP In node.
currently only console logging is supported. Various levels of logging can be specified. Options are:
  • fatal - only those errors which make the application unusable should be recorded
  • error - record errors which are deemed fatal for a particular request + fatal errors
  • warn - record problems which are non fatal + errors + fatal errors
  • info - record information about the general running of the application + warn + error + fatal errors
  • debug - record information which is more verbose than info + info + warn + error + fatal errors
  • trace - record very detailed logging + debug + info + warn + error + fatal errors

The default level is info. For embedded devices with limited flash storage you may wish to set this to fatal to minimise writes to “disk”.

Configure how the runtime will handle external npm modules. This covers:
  • whether the editor will allow new node modules to be installed
  • whether nodes, such as the Function node are allowed to have their own dynamically configured dependencies.

The allow/denyList options can be used to limit what modules the runtime will install/load. It can use * as a wildcard that matches anything.

externalModules: {
   autoInstall: false,
   autoInstallRetry: 30,
   palette: {
      allowInstall: true,
      allowUpload: true,
      allowList: [],
      denyList: []
   modules: {
      allowInstall: true,
      allowList: [],
      denyList: []

Editor Configuration

enables user-level security in the editor and admin API. See Securing Node-RED for more information.
defines the order of categories in the palette. If a node’s category is not in the list, the category will get added to the end of the palette. If not set, the following default order is used:
['subflows', 'common', 'function', 'network', 'sequence', 'parser', 'storage'],

Note: Until the user creates a subflow the subflow category will be empty and will not be visible in the palette.

Editor Themes

The theme of the editor can be changed by using the following settings object. All parts are optional.

editorTheme: {
    page: {
        title: "Node-RED",
        favicon: "/absolute/path/to/theme/icon",
        css: "/absolute/path/to/custom/css/file",
        scripts: [ "/absolute/path/to/custom/script/file", "/another/script/file"]
    header: {
        title: "Node-RED",
        image: "/absolute/path/to/header/image", // or null to remove image
        url: "" // optional url to make the header text/image a link to this url
    deployButton: {
        icon: "/absolute/path/to/deploy/button/image" // or null to remove image
    menu: { // Hide unwanted menu items by id. see packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/js/red.js:loadEditor for complete list
        "menu-item-import-library": false,
        "menu-item-export-library": false,
        "menu-item-keyboard-shortcuts": false,
        "menu-item-help": {
            label: "Alternative Help Link Text",
            url: ""
    tours: false, // disable the Welcome Tour for new users
    userMenu: false, // Hide the user-menu even if adminAuth is enabled
    login: {
        image: "/absolute/path/to/login/page/big/image" // a 256x256 image
    logout: {
        redirect: ""
    palette: {
        editable: true, // *Deprecated* - use externalModules.palette.allowInstall instead
        catalogues: [   // Alternative palette manager catalogues
        theme: [ // Override node colours - rules test against category/type by RegExp.
            { category: ".*", type: ".*", color: "#f0f" }
    projects: {
        enabled: false // Enable the projects feature
    theme: "", // Select a color theme for the editor. See for a collection of themes to choose from
    codeEditor: {
        lib: "ace", // Select the text editor component used by the editor. Defaults to "ace", but can be set to "ace" or "monaco"
        options: {
            // The following only apply if the editor is set to "monaco"
            theme: "vs", // Select a color theme for the text editor component. Must match the file name of a theme in packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/vendor/monaco/dist/theme
    mermaid: {
        theme: "default" // Select a color theme for the Mermaid diagramming and charting tool. Must match the name of a theme in


The home path for the Node-RED-Dashboard add-on nodes can specified. This is relative to any already defined httpNodeRoot

ui : { path: “mydashboard” },

Node Configuration

Any node type can define its own settings to be provided in the file.

Function Nodes - a collection of objects to attach to the global function context. For example,
functionGlobalContext: { osModule:require('os') }

can be accessed in a function node as:

var myos = global.get('osModule');
Note : Prior to Node-RED v0.13, the documented way to use global context was to access it as a sub-property of context: = "bar";
 var osModule =;
This method is still supported, but deprecated in favour of the global.get/global.set functions. Any data stored using this method will not be persisted across restarts and will not be visible in the sidebar context viewer.
if set to true, the Function node’s Setup tab will allow adding additional modules that will become available to the function. See Writing Functions for more information. Default: false.
Function Nodes - the default timeout, in seconds, to apply to newly configured Function nodes. Default: 0 - meaning no timeout.
Debug Nodes - the maximum length, in characters, of any message sent to the debug sidebar tab. Default: 1000
MQTT Nodes - if the connection is lost, how long to wait, in milliseconds, before attempting to reconnect. Default: 5000
Serial Nodes - how long to wait, in milliseconds, before attempting to reopen a serial port. Default: 5000
TCP Nodes - how long to wait, in milliseconds, before attempting to reconnect. Default: 10000
TCP Nodes - how long to wait, in milliseconds, before timing out a socket. Default: 120000