POST /flows

Set the active flow configuration.

Requires permission: flows.write


Header Value
Authorization Bearer [token] - if authentication is enabled
Content-type application/json
Node-RED-API-Version (Since 0.15.0) The api version being used. Defaults to v1 if not set.
Node-RED-Deployment-Type full, nodes, flows or reload

The Node-RED-Deployment-Type header is used to define what type of deployment is performed.

  • full - all existing nodes are stopped before the new configuration is started. This is the default behaviour if the header is not provided.
  • nodes - only nodes that have been modified are stopped before the new configuration is applied.
  • flows - only flows that contain modified nodes are stopped before the new configuration is applied.
  • reload - the flows are reloaded from storage and all nodes are restarted (since Node-RED 0.12.2)


The format of the request body will depend on the Node-RED API version being used:

v1 - array of node objects

    "type": "tab",
    "id": "396c2376.c693dc",
    "label": "Sheet 1"

v2 - flow response object

The rev property, if provided, should reflect the revision of flows that was returned by GET /flows.

    "rev": "abc-123",
    "flows": [
        "type": "tab",
        "id": "396c2376.c693dc",
        "label": "Sheet 1"

Setting node credentials

There are two ways to provide credentials with this request. The individual node objects in the flows array can contain a credentials property containing the credentials for that node.

Alternatively, the top level object can include a credentials property that has credentials for individual nodes, or a complete encrypted set.

Inline node credentials :

    "rev": "abc-123",
    "flows": [
        "type": "tab",
        "id": "396c2376.c693dc",
        "label": "Sheet 1",
        "credentials": {
            "user": "my-username",
            "pass": "my-password"

Separate node credentials :

    "rev": "abc-123",
    "flows": [
        "type": "tab",
        "id": "396c2376.c693dc",
        "label": "Sheet 1"
    "credentials": {
        "396c2376.c693dc": {
            "user": "my-username",
            "pass": "my-password"

Encrypted node credentials:

    "rev": "abc-123",
    "flows": [
        "type": "tab",
        "id": "396c2376.c693dc",
        "label": "Sheet 1"
    "credentials": {
        "$": "beea417990012379ca6d4116bd1fda5bOWbwy7UnQvccxAEH1V1pSEETTfSNerYGvP4Aai6RT/DNpnjCCP/fdzildzlJhFjYcRKdO1Q="



Status Code Reason Response
200 v2 Success The new rev for the active flows. See below.
204 v1 Success none
400 Invalid API version An Error response
401 Not authorized none
409 Version mismatch An Error response. See below.

If v1 of the API is being used, a successful request contains no response body.

If v2 of the API is being used, the request should include rev property that is set to the latest rev value known to the requestor. If this value matches the rev value of the active flows in the runtime, the request will succeed.

If it does not match, this indicates the runtime is using a newer version of flows and the request is rejected with a 409 status code. This allows the requestor to resolve any differences and resubmit the request.

If the requestor wishes to force deploy, the rev property should be omitted from the request.

On a successful request, the response provides the new rev value:

    "rev": "def-456",

Note: the rev property is a string, but no other assumptions should be made as to its format.