Messaging Hooks

The Messaging Hooks allow custom code to be added to the messaging path between nodes.

The following diagram shows the set of hooks available in the messaging path.



A node has called node.send() with one or more messages.

The hook is passed an array of SendEvent objects. The messages inside these objects are exactly what the node has passed to node.send - meaning there could be duplicate references to the same message object.

This hook should complete synchronously in order to avoid unexpected behaviour.

If it needs to do asynchronously work, it must clone and replace the message object in the event it receives. It must also set the cloneMessage property to false to ensure no subsequent cloning happens on the message.

If the hook returns false, the messages will not proceed any further.

// Example synchronous onSend hook
RED.hooks.add("onSend", (sendEvents) => {
    console.log(`Sending ${sendEvents.length} messages`);


A message is about to be routed to its destination.

The hook is passed a single SendEvent.

This hook should complete synchronously in order to avoid unexpected behaviour.

If it needs to do asynchronously work, it must clone and replace the message object in the event it receives. It must also set the cloneMessage property to false to ensure no subsequent cloning happens on the message.

If the hook returns false, the message will not proceed any further.

// Example async preRoute hook
RED.hooks.add("preRoute", (sendEvent, done) => {
    // As this hook needs to do async work, clone the message if needed
    if (sendEvent.cloneMessage) {
        sendEvent.msg = RED.util.cloneMessage(sendEvent.msg);
        sendEvent.cloneMessage = false;
    someAsyncAPI(sendEvent).then(() => {
    }).catch(err => {
        // An error means stop processing this message


A message is about to be delivered

The hook is passed a single SendEvent. At this point, the local router has identified the node it is going to send to and set the destination.node property of the SendEvent.

The message will have been cloned if needed.

If the hook returns false, the messages will not proceed any further.

// Example preDeliver hook
RED.hooks.add("preDeliver", (sendEvent) => {
    console.log(`About to deliver to ${}`);


A message has been dispatched to its destination.

The hook is passed a single SendEvent. The message is delivered asynchronously to the hooks execution.

// Example preDeliver hook
RED.hooks.add("preDeliver", (sendEvent) => {
    console.log(`Message dispatched to ${}`);


A message is about to be received by a node.

The hook is passed a ReceiveEvent.

If the hook returns false, the messages will not proceed any further.

// Example onReceive hook
RED.hooks.add("onReceive", (receiveEvent) => {
    console.log(`Message about to be passed to node: ${}`);


A message has been received by a node.

The hook is passed ReceiveEvent when the message has been given to the node’s input handler.

// Example postReceive hook
RED.hooks.add("postReceive", (receiveEvent) => {
    console.log(`Message received: ${receiveEvent.msg.payload}`);


A node has completed with a message or logged an error for it.

The hook is passed a CompleteEvent.

// Example onComplete hook
RED.hooks.add("onComplete", (completeEvent) => {
    if (completeEvent.error) {
        console.log(`Message completed with error: ${completeEvent.error}`);

Event Objects

SendEvent object

    "msg": "<message object>",
    "source": {
        "id": "<node-id>",
        "node": "<node-object>",
        "port": "<index of port being sent on>",
    "destination": {
        "id": "<node-id>",
        "node": undefined,
    "cloneMessage": "true|false"

ReceiveEvent object

    "msg": "<message object>",
    "destination": {
        "id": "<node-id>",
        "node": "<node-object>",

CompleteEvent object

    "msg": "<message object>",
    "node": {
        "id": "<node-id>",
        "node": "<node-object>"
    "error": "<error passed to done, otherwise, undefined>"