Command-line Administration

The node-red-admin command-line tool allows you to remotely administer a Node-RED instance.

Since Node-RED 1.1.0, node-red-admin is now built into the node-red command - you do not need to install it separately.

To use the version included with node-red, use the command node-red admin.

If you install it separately, you would use the command node-red-admin.


If you want to install node-red-admin separately, you can install it as a global module with:

npm install -g --unsafe-perm node-red-admin
Note : sudo is required if running as a non-root user on Linux/OS X. If running on Windows, you will need to run in a command shell as Administrator, without the sudo command.

Target and Login

To remotely administer a Node-RED instance, the tool must first be pointed at the Node-RED instance you want it to access. By default, it assumes http://localhost:1880. To change that, use the target command:

node-red-admin target

If authentication is enabled, you must then login:

node-red-admin login

These commands create a file called ~/.node-red/.cli-config.json that stores the target and access token information.

Note : The `hash-pw` option does not require the tool to be logged in and can be run at any time.

Other commands

The tool provides the following commands:

  • target - Set or view the target URL and port like http://localhost:1880
  • login - Log user in to the target of the Node-RED admin API
  • list - List all of the installed nodes
  • info - Display more information about the module or node
  • enable - Enable the specified module or node set
  • disable - Disable the specified module or node set
  • search - Search for Node-RED modules to install
  • install - Install the module from NPM to Node-RED
  • remove - Remove the NPM module from Node-RED
  • hash-pw - Create a password hash that can be used with the adminAuth and httpNodeAuth settings