Securing Node-RED

By default, the Node-RED editor is not secured - anyone who can access its IP address can access the editor and deploy changes.

This is only suitable if you are running on a trusted network.

This guide describes how you can secure Node-RED. The security is split into three parts:

Enabling HTTPS Access

To enable access to the Node-RED Editor over HTTPS, rather than the default HTTP, you can use the https configuration option in your settings file.

The https option can be either a static set of configuration options, or, since Node-RED 1.1.0, a function that returns the options.

The full set of options are documented here.

As a minimum, the options should include:

  • key - Private key in PEM format, provided as a String or Buffer
  • cert - Cert chain in PEM format, provided as a String or Buffer
For a guide on how to generate certificates, you can follow this guide.

The default Node-RED settings file includes a commented out https section that can be used to load the certificates from local files.

https: {
    key: require("fs").readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
    cert: require("fs").readFileSync('cert.pem')

Since Node-RED 1.1.0

If the https property is a function, it can be used to return the options object. The function can optionally return a Promise that will resolve to the options object, allowing it to complete asynchronously.

https: function() {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        var key, cert;
        // Do some work to obtain valid certificates
        // ...
            key: key
            cert: cert

Refreshing HTTPS certificates

Since Node-RED 1.1.0

It is possible to configure Node-RED to periodically refresh its HTTPS certificates without having to restart Node-RED. To do this:

  1. You must be using Node.js 11 or later
  2. The https setting must be a Function that can be called to get the updated certificates
  3. Set the httpsRefreshInterval to how often (in hours) Node-RED should call the https function to get updated details.

The https function should determine if the current certificates will expire within the next httpsRefreshInterval period, and if so, generate a new set of certificates. If no update is required, the function can return undefined or null.

Editor & Admin API security

The Editor and Admin API supports two types of authentication:

  • username/password credential based authentication
  • authentication against any OAuth/OpenID provider such as Twitter or GitHub

Username/password based authentication

To enable user authentication on the Editor and Admin API, uncomment the adminAuth property in your settings file:

adminAuth: {
    type: "credentials",
    users: [
            username: "admin",
            password: "$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.",
            permissions: "*"
            username: "george",
            password: "$2b$08$wuAqPiKJlVN27eF5qJp.RuQYuy6ZYONW7a/UWYxDTtwKFCdB8F19y",
            permissions: "read"

The users property is an array of user objects. This allows you to define multiple users, each of whom can have different permissions.

This example configuration above defines two users. One called admin who has permission to do everything within the editor and has a password of password. The other called george who is given read-only access.

Note that the passwords are securely hashed using the bcrypt algorithm.

Note : in previous releases of Node-RED, the setting httpAdminAuth could be used to enable HTTP Basic Authentication on the editor. This option is deprecated and should not be used.

Generating the password hash

If you are using Node-RED 1.1.0 or later, you can use the command:

node-red admin hash-pw

For older versions of Node-RED, you can either:

  • Install the separate node-red-admin command-line tool and use the command:

     node-red-admin hash-pw
  • Or, locate the directory Node-RED has been installed to and use the command:

     node -e "console.log(require('bcryptjs').hashSync(process.argv[1], 8));" your-password-here

In all cases, you will get back the hashed version of your password which you can then paste into your settings file.

OAuth/OpenID based authentication

To use an external authentication source, Node-RED can take use a wide range of the strategies provided by Passport.

Node-RED authentication modules are available for both Twitter and GitHub. They wrap up some of the strategy-specific detail to make it easier to use. But they can also be used as a template for authenticating with other similar strategies.

The following example shows how to configure to authenticate against Twitter without using the auth module we provide.

adminAuth: {
    strategy: {
        name: "twitter",
        label: 'Sign in with Twitter',
        strategy: require("passport-twitter").Strategy,
        options: {
            consumerKey: TWITTER_APP_CONSUMER_KEY,
            consumerSecret: TWITTER_APP_CONSUMER_SECRET,
            callbackURL: "",
            verify: function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done) {
                done(null, profile);
    users: [
       { username: "knolleary",permissions: ["*"]}

The strategy property takes the following options:

  • name - the name of the passport strategy being used
  • strategy - the passport strategy module
  • label/icon - used on the login page. icon can be any FontAwesome icon name.
  • options - an options object passed to the passport strategy when it is created. Refer to the strategy’s own documentation for what it requires. See below for a note on the callbackURL and callbackMethod.
  • verify - the verify function used by the strategy. It must call done with a user profile as the second argument if the user is valid. This is expected to have a username property that is used to check against the list of valid users. Passport attempts to standardize the user profile object, so most strategies provide this property.
  • autoLogin - boolean, when true will automatically redirect to the authentication provider rather than asking the user to click a button.

The callbackURL used by a strategy is where the authentication provider will redirect to following an auth attempt. It must be the URL of your Node-RED editor with /auth/strategy/callback added to the path. For example, if you access the editor at http://localhost:1880, you would use http://localhost:1880/auth/strategy/callback.

By default, the callbackURL will listen for GET requests. To use POST requests instead, set callbackMethod to POST.

Setting a default user

The example configuration above will prevent anyone from accessing the editor unless they log in.

In some cases, it is desirable to allow everyone some level of access. Typically, this will be giving read-only access to the editor. To do this, the default property can be added to the adminAuth setting to define the default user:

adminAuth: {
    type: "credentials",
    users: [ /* list of users */ ],
    default: {
        permissions: "read"

User permissions

Prior to Node-RED 0.14, users could have one of two permissions:

  • * - full access
  • read - read-only access

From Node-RED 0.14 the permissions can be much finer grained and to support that, the property can either be a single string as before, or an array containing multiple permissions.

Each method of the Admin API defines what permission level is needed to access it. The permission model is resource based. For example, to get the current flow configuration, a user will require the permission. But to update the flows they will require the flows.write permission.

Token expiration

By default, access tokens expire after 7 days after they are created. We do not currently support refreshing the token to extend this period.

The expiration time can be customised by setting the sessionExpiryTime property of the adminAuth setting. This defines, in seconds, how long a token is valid for. For example, to set the tokens to expire after 1 day:

adminAuth: {
    sessionExpiryTime: 86400,

Accessing the Admin API

With the adminAuth property set, the Admin API documentation describes how to access the API.

Custom user authentication

Rather than hardcode users into the settings file, it is also possible to plug in custom code to authenticate users. This makes it possible to integrate with existing authentication schemes.

The following example shows how an external module can be used to provide the custom authentication code.

  • Save the following in a file called <node-red>/user-authentication.js
module.exports = {
   type: "credentials",
   users: function(username) {
       return new Promise(function(resolve) {
           // Do whatever work is needed to check username is a valid
           // user.
           if (valid) {
               // Resolve with the user object. It must contain
               // properties 'username' and 'permissions'
               var user = { username: "admin", permissions: "*" };
           } else {
               // Resolve with null to indicate this user does not exist
   authenticate: function(username,password) {
       return new Promise(function(resolve) {
           // Do whatever work is needed to validate the username/password
           // combination.
           if (valid) {
               // Resolve with the user object. Equivalent to having
               // called users(username);
               var user = { username: "admin", permissions: "*" };
           } else {
               // Resolve with null to indicate the username/password pair
               // were not valid.
   default: function() {
       return new Promise(function(resolve) {
           // Resolve with the user object for the default user.
           // If no default user exists, resolve with null.
           resolve({anonymous: true, permissions:"read"});
  • Set the adminAuth property in settings.js to load this module:
adminAuth: require("./user-authentication")

Custom authentication tokens

Since Node-RED 1.1.0

In some circumstances you may need to use your own authentication tokens and not use those generated by Node-RED. For example:

  • You want to use OAuth based user authentication, but you also require automated access to the admin API which cannot perform the interactive authentication steps OAuth requires
  • You want to integrate Node-RED into an existing system where the users will already be logged in and you don’t want them to have to log in again when accessing the editor

The adminAuth setting can include a tokens function. This function will be called if a request to the admin api does not contain an authentication token that Node-RED recognises as one of its own. It is passed the token provided in the request and should return a Promise that resolves with either the authenticated user, or null if the token is not valid.

adminAuth: {
    tokens: function(token) {
        return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            // Do whatever work is needed to check token is valid
            if (valid) {
                // Resolve with the user object. It must contain
                // properties 'username' and 'permissions'
                var user = { username: 'admin', permissions: '*' };
            } else {
                // Resolve with null as this user does not exist

By default, it will use the Authorization http header and expect a Bearer type token - passing in just the value of the token to the function. If it is not a Bearer type token, then the full value of the Authorization header will be passed to the function, containing both type and value.

To use a different HTTP header, the tokenHeader setting can be used to identify which header to use:

adminAuth: {
    tokens: function(token) {
    tokenHeader: "x-my-custom-token"
Accessing the editor with a custom token

To access the editor using a custom token without the login prompt, add ?access_token=<ACCESS_TOKEN> to the URL. The editor will store that token locally and use it for all future requests.

HTTP Node security

The routes exposed by the HTTP In nodes can be secured using basic authentication.

The httpNodeAuth property in your settings.js file can be used to define a single username and password that will be allowed to access the routes.

httpNodeAuth: {user:"user",pass:"$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN."},

The pass property uses the same format as adminAuth. See Generating the password hash for more information.

Access to any static content defined by the httpStatic property can be secured using the httpStaticAuth property, which uses the same format.

Note : in previous releases of Node-RED, the pass property was expected to be an MD5 hash. This is cryptographically insecure, so has been superseded with bcrypt, as used by adminAuth. For backwards compatibility, MD5 hashes are still supported - but they are not recommended.

Custom Middleware

It is possible to provide custom HTTP middleware that will be added in front of all HTTP In nodes and, since Node-RED 1.1.0, in front of all admin/editor routes.

Custom Middleware for http-in nodes

For the HTTP In nodes, the middleware is provided as the httpNodeMiddleware setting.

The following setting is an example to limit the HTTP access rate in http-in nodes.

// Run `npm install express-rate-limit` on `~/.node-red/` directory in advance
var rateLimit = require("express-rate-limit");
module.exports = {
    httpNodeMiddleware: rateLimit({
        windowMs: 1000, // 1000 milliseconds is set as the window time.
        max: 10 // limit access rate to 10 requests/second

Using this configuration, the Node-RED process can avoid memory exhaustions even if the flows which start with the http-in node take time to process. When reaching the limitation, the endpoints will return the default message, “Too many requests, please try again later.”.

Custom Middleware for Admin API

For the admin/editor routes, the middleware is provided as the httpAdminMiddleware setting.

For example, the following middleware could be used to set the X-Frame-Options http header on all admin/editor requests. This can be used to control how the editor is embedded on other pages.

httpAdminMiddleware: function(req, res, next) {
    // Set the X-Frame-Options header to limit where the editor
    // can be embedded
    res.set('X-Frame-Options', 'sameorigin');

Other possible uses would be to add additional layers of security or request verification to the routes.