Theme Plugins

The appearance of the editor can be customised using themes. Themes are packaged and installed as Node-RED plugins, and then selected via the editorTheme.theme property in the settings file.

Creating theme CSS

The Node-RED code repository includes a script that can be used to generate theme css.

  1. Clone the Node-RED repository

     git clone
  2. Create a copy of packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/colors.scss from the repository

     mkdir my-custom-theme
     cp node-red/packages/node_modules/@node-red/editor-client/src/sass/colors.scss my-custom-theme
  3. Edit my-custom-theme/colors.scss to set the custom colours for the different Node-RED components

  4. Run the build-custom-theme script to generate the theme css

     node node-red/scripts/build-custom-theme.js \
          --in ../my-custom-theme/colors.scss \
          --out ../my-custom-theme/style.css

You can test the CSS at this point by updating the editorTheme property of your settings file:

editorTheme: {
    page: {
        // This must be the *absolute* path to the style.css file
        css: "/absolute/path/to/my-custom-theme/style.css"

Packaging as a Theme Plugin

A Theme Plugin is packaged as an npm module - in the same way Nodes are packaged. It also requires a JavaScript file that does the work to register the theme with Node-RED.

  1. Create a theme.js file in your theme directory.

     module.exports = function(RED) {
         RED.plugins.registerPlugin("my-custom-theme", {
             // Tells Node-RED this is a theme plugin
             type: "node-red-theme",
             // List the CSS files the theme provides. If there are
             // more than one, this should be an array of filenames
             css: "style.css"
             // List the script files the theme provides.
             // If the theme doesn't include any, this can be left out
             //scripts: "theme.js"
  2. Create a package.json file for your plugin. You can generate a default file using npm init:

     cd my-custom-theme
     npm init

    It will prompt with a series of questions to help fill out the fields.

    Ensure you follow the standard naming guidelines if you want to include node-red in the name.

    For a theme plugin, consider using something like: node-red-contrib-theme-XYZ

  3. Add a node-red section to package.json that identifies the plugin’s theme.js file

     "node-red": {
         "plugins": {
             "my-theme": "theme.js"

    As with Node-RED nodes, you should add node-red to the keywords property.

Testing the theme

Once packaged as an npm module, it can be tested without publishing to npm by installing it locally.

  1. In your Node-RED user directory (~/.node-red) run:

     npm install /path/to/my-custom-theme
  2. Edit your settings file to select the plugin. Make sure you remove any entries you may have added when testing your CSS earlier.

     editorTheme: {
         theme: "my-custom-theme",
  3. Restart Node-RED

If you need to make any further changes to the css, you can re-run the build-custom-theme script and just reload the editor to see the changes - you should not need to restart Node-RED

Theming the Monaco editor

As well as providing custom CSS and scripts, a theme plugin can also provide custom Monaco editor options including what theme it should use.

Setting the Monaco theme by name

Monaco comes with a number of built-in themes available. The full list is here. Additional settings for Monaco options can be found here.

The name of the theme can be provided in the plugin settings:

RED.plugins.registerPlugin("my-custom-theme", {
   type: "node-red-theme",
   css: "style.css",
   monacoOptions: {
     theme: "vs-dark", // Monaco theme name
     fontSize: 14,
     fontLigatures: true,
     fontFamily: "Cascadia Code, Fira Code, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
     minimap: { enabled: false }

Setting a custom Monaco theme

Rather than specifying a built-in theme by name, the monacoOptions.theme setting can be used to provide a custom Monaco theme object:

RED.plugins.registerPlugin("my-custom-theme", {
    monacoOptions: {
      theme: {
        "base": "vs-dark",
        "inherit": true,
        "colors": {
          "editor.foreground": "#CCC",
          "editor.background": "#434954",
          "editor.selectionBackground": "#80000080",
          "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#80000040",
          "editorCursor.foreground": "#7070FF",
          "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#BFBFBF"
        "rules": [
                "background": "434954",
                "foreground": "aeaeae",
                "fontStyle": "italic",
                "token": "comment"
                "foreground": "d8fa3c",
                "token": "string"
                "foreground": "d8fa3c",
                "fontStyle": "bold",
                "token": "constant"

Setting a custom Monaco theme from a JSON file

Rather than hardcode the theme settings, you can store the Monaco theme JSON in a separate file and use require to import it:

RED.plugins.registerPlugin("my-custom-theme", {
    monacoOptions: {
      theme: require("./my-custom-theme-monaco-theme.json"),

my-custom-theme-monaco-theme.json file example:

  "base": "vs-dark",
  "inherit": true,
  "colors": {
    "editor.foreground": "#CCC",
    "editor.background": "#434954",
    "editor.selectionBackground": "#80000080",
    "editor.lineHighlightBackground": "#80000040",
    "editorCursor.foreground": "#7070FF",
    "editorWhitespace.foreground": "#BFBFBF"
  "rules": [
          "background": "434954",
          "foreground": "aeaeae",
          "fontStyle": "italic",
          "token": "comment"
          "foreground": "d8fa3c",
          "token": "string"
          "foreground": "d8fa3c",
          "fontStyle": "bold",
          "token": "constant"

The specific details of how to create a Monaco theme is beyond the scope of our documentation.

Theming the Mermaid diagrams

A theme plugin can also set the theme for the Mermaid diagramming and charting tool.

Mermaid comes with a number of built-in themes available. The full list is here.

The name of the theme can be provided in the plugin settings:

RED.plugins.registerPlugin("my-custom-theme", {
   type: "node-red-theme",
   css: "style.css",
   mermaid: {
     theme: "dark" //Mermaid theme name