Palette Manager

The Palette Manager can be used to install new nodes into the palette. It can be accessed under the Palette tab of the User Settings dialog.

Palette Manager - Nodes tab

Palette Manager - Nodes tab

Key shortcutCtrl/⌘-Shift-p
Menu optionManage palette

The Palette Manager has two tabs:

  • Nodes lists the modules that are currently installed in the runtime
  • Install lists the available modules that can be installed

Managing nodes

Each entry in the Nodes list shows the name and version of the module along with a list of the individual node types the module provides.

Options are provided to remove, disable or upgrade each module. If a node is currently in use within the flow, it cannot be removed or disabled.

Installing nodes

Palette Manager - Install tab

Palette Manager - Install tab

The Install tab can be used to search for available modules and install them.

To search for a module, enter its name in the search bar. The search results show the details of the modules, including when it was last updated and a link to its documentation. It can be installed by clicking the ‘install’ button.

Palette Manager - Install module details

Palette Manager - Install module details